Squishy ,Scamy,Scandy !
I know the taste of fear 
So familiar, so dreadfully near 
I hate to feel this way... 

 It creeps along my spine
 Like shadows in the twilight time
 A whispering wind, a chilling sign
 That never does decay.

 In the silence of the night 
It grips my heart with icy might 
A constant battle, an endless fight
 To keep the dark at bay.

 Yet, in this fright, I find no cheer
 How do I walk from here?
 When my legs wobble in fear
 Panic whispers, ever so clear. 

 The night's embrace, tight and severe 
In the echo of my own heartbeat,
 A question lingers in the atmosphere,
 "Where to now?" but the path's not sheer.


In the tender night, cravings softly speak,
A symphony of sweets, both strong and weak.
Moods like waves, in flux and flow,
I'm not overreacting, it's my ovary acting.

Chocolate whispers, a sugary thread,
Weave through the laughter and tears we shed.
A bite of solace, in comfort we're basking,
I'm not overreacting, it's my ovary acting.

Salty crisps and creamy delights,
Balance the swings from dizzying heights.
Through joy and sorrow, we find snacking,
I'm not overreacting, it's my ovary acting.

The pantry's embrace holds us tight,
In the dance of flavors, we take flight.
From elation to gloom, nothing's lacking,
I'm not overreacting, it's my ovary acting.

In each morsel, a story untold,
Of warmth in the midst of being cold.
Emotions and tastes, intricately stacking,
I'm not overreacting, it's my ovary acting.


I am the silence in a roaring crowd,
The solitude in company so loud.
A heart that's both broken and whole,
A wandering mind, yet a focused soul.

I'm the calm in the eye of a storm,
The warmth in a snowflake, uniquely formed.
A canvas blank, yet vividly painted,
A spirit free, yet somehow tainted.

I'm the strength in a moment of fear,
The clarity when nothing seems clear.
A seeker of truth who loves a good lie,
The laughter in grief, the tears in joy's eye.

I'm the simplicity in complexity's weave,
The skepticism that wants to believe.
A lover of peace that fights inner wars,
A tapestry of tales, each thread a memoir.

I'm the shadow that seeks the sun's embrace,
The runner who longs for a slower pace.
A symphony silent, awaiting its note,
A boat that's anchored, yet dreams to float.

I am a collection of paradoxes, it's true,
A universe within, ever-changing and new.
An enigma wrapped in the commonplace,
A timeless dance in life's fleeting race.


Shadows of Deja Vu

In the quiet corners of my restless mind,
Dark thoughts whisper, their echoes unkind.

A familiar dread, like a recurring dream,
Patterns of the past, or so it would seem.

Shadows dance, in the twilight of thought,

Battling the light, with fears they've brought.

Is this deja vu, or just my mind's fray,
Questioning reality, day after day?

The same old worries, 
circle and swoop,
In an endless loop,
 they seem to regroup.

Am I overthinking, 
or is history's page,
Turning once more,
 to the very same stage?

Yet in this struggle,
 where darkness collides,
A glimmer of hope,
 persistently abides.

For even if patterns
 are set to replay,

I'll face them anew,
 come what may.

So let the night fall, 
let the thoughts fight,

I'll stand my ground,
 I'll seek the light.

With each new dawn,
 I'll find my way,
Through shadows of deja vu, 
into the day.

~Atieno ❤️
Love will find a way...

Because it always does...
Love will find a way

The heart knows to love 
Bruised but scared of love 
But still,love will find a way

Shutters and banters of boom!
Of a heart afraid of bloom
Scared and looking for gloom
Love will find a way...

A heart that knows a lot
Having experienced a lot
And out learnt a lot
Still too scared of a lot 
But love will find a way

Trying to love again
Afraid to be hurt again
But daring to face the gain 
Hoping to, this time gain
And build a forever, maybe?
Love will find a way

Across the miles away 
In the silence of space,
Connected by a windy web
Through the echo of uncertainty, 
And whispers of affection,
 Promising calm to calm the wave 
Love will find a way

When distance dissolves, 
In the quiet moments,
 when you're far from view,
Feeling the gentle tug 
Of my heartstrings to you
Through challenges vast,
 And heavy skies of gray,
Hope is our compass a day
That love will find a way.

Two souls entwined
 In the dance of the stars,
Bound by a bond 
That distance never mars.
Through every fear,
Come what may,
In the warmth of our embrace, 
Beating all the odds 
To make impossibility a possibility 
Because love will find a way

So let the world spin, 
let the cold winds blow,
Our hearts keep the time,
 steady and slow
For as long as we cherish,
 As long as we stay,
In the light of our journey,
Willing to try again and again
Fighting for all we aim
Building a story we deserve 
A forever full of bliss 
Love will find a way

         ~Atieno ❤️

In the quiet before dawn,
 where fears often tread,
I harbored my heart, 
where it silently bled.

Scared to surrender,
 to let it depart,
For love's sweet poison,
 might just stop its art.

But then came the whispers, 
like wind through the trees,
Your words, they fluttered,
 set my soul at ease.

The butterflies stirred,
 in my stomach they danced,
Against all my fears, 
I took that chance.

It's the purest of love,
 a rare, flawless gem,
So perfect, so real,
 in a world of pretence.

A dream, perhaps,
 too vivid to deny,
Or a toxic elixir, 
meant to make me die?

Yet here I stand, 
in love's tender snare,
Breathing in the essence
 of a bond so rare.

What if it's a dream?
 Let me slumber deep,
For in these sweet visions,
 your heart I'll keep.

But should this be a drug,
 a slow, toxic kill,
I'll savor each moment,
 each passionate thrill.

For even if love 
is destined to slay,
I'll embrace its demise,
 come what may.

Love will kill me again,
 with its bittersweet pain,
But in every death, 
I'm reborn in your name.

So let it strike,
 let it tear me apart,
For each end with you, 
is a beautiful start.
     -Atieno ❤️

The alleged killing of LQBTQ activist Edwin Kiprotich alias Chiloba has ignited so much light on LQBTQ and intimate partner abuse amongst Kenyans and the world.  Even though police are still doing more investigations on the murder, Kenyans especially the youth have been left with a lot to discuss especially on the morality lane of whether being a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer is moral or not. With the highest number standing on it being immoral, a big number has also argued on why sexual arrangements should not even be a discussion citing more serious issues of humanity and what should be sin with religion held constant.

With all this going on, I've noticed quite a number of youths now claiming that three-quarter of the world population is bisexual. My major concern however is, are they really bi-sexuals or just bi-curious? Cultivation analysis theory claims that people oftenly tend to behave like what they often see especially on TV and with the shading of light on LQBTQ around the world including on movies, I'd argue that most of the people who claim to be bisexual are not. They are just bi-curious. 

Google defines by curious as heterosexuals who are curious to know how it feels to be homosexuals and if this doesn't make much sense, I really don't know what else does. Most of the youths are not bisexual, actually to be even more accurate, a bigger number doesn't know which sexuality they fall on, the curiousity is just making it worse. Instead of fighting to fit in and trying to remain relevant, adult youths should do more research on sexuality without exploring what really is and what's not because to be honest, being bi-curious is very different from being bisexual.