Getting into a relationship is not a big deal, the big deal is how do you nourish it? Relationships are like a tree, everyday you have to water it until the flowers blossom, but how do you ensure this? As a lady, you have to play your part lest someone does it for you. This is what you must do :

Make him your best friend and be his number one fan. This doesn't imply that you start being clingy and over possessive. Clingy ladies turn men off so fast. Men need space and you have to respect that. Here are a few tips on how to make him your best friend, number one fan and the lady he'll always want to run to :

To make a man interested in you, get involved in his interests and passions. This doesn't imply that you fake your personality to fit in his life. You may change what he loved in you in the process of being fake. Instead, support him and encourage him in all possible aspects. You can also get involved by asking him questions and showing the urge to know much about his passion. This will make him feel appreciated hence the urge to be close to you. 

As you involve in his passions and interests, get him involved in yours as well. This doesn't imply that you force him to talk about what he doesn't like because you like them. Instead, talk about what is mutual between you. Even if it ain't mutual, talk about it as long as he doesn't show disinterest in it. By this, he will always want to get something about you. 

Make it  a big deal. How do you do this? It's his birthday but he ain't showing any signs of celebrating it. What if you shower him with a surprise barbecue or a surprise present? Am sure he will like it so much. This doesn't imply that you go ahead and buy an expensive golden watch then remain broke for the rest of your life. It's always the little things that matter,  just do what you can. You can also make it a big deal by reminding him of past moments, however, when doing this, stick to positive pasts. Negative memories  may kill his vibe. 

Men love it when you trust them. Tell him your secrets and heart desires. This will make him want to trust you as well since trust earns trust. However, be careful when telling your secrets. Don't tell negative secrets that will ruin his reputation towards you, stick to positivity and good vibes. 

Don't forget to surprise him. Just as ladies, men also love surprises. Buy him little gifts, give him surprise visits, write him a poem i. e if he loves poems. You can also draw him a nice picture of his if you are good at art work. This will make him feel that you  think of him and by this,  he will want to get close to you. 

Routine downs are important as well. Always develop the habit of talking to him on a daily basis. Communication is good and brings closeness. However, stay away from texting and calling him every now and again. This will make you look desparate and chasy. Remember there's no day a cat ever chased after a dog. Let him do the chasing. Just ensure you keep the communication going. 

Being resourceful will also make him want you. No one ever wants a dull person who is always boring and has nothing to speak about. Endorse yourself with current events, news and what's going on around the world. By this he will get interested in you because you are reliable,  informative and can involve in a fruitful discussion. Always have something someone offer in terms of intellectual property. 

You can also make him your best friend by hanging out with him. Invite him for dinner, shopping or a group picnic. This will make him know you deeply hence the urge to be your best friend. 


However much you want to make him your best friend and closest friend, don't chase him. Men get attracted to those who don't want them so don't be that person who relies on him for happiness. Show him you can be happy on your own and he will surely get reasons to be part of your happiness. 

I hope these tips will help you make him your best friend and partner for life. 


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