He was the highschool Ramsi Noah,  everyone fell in love with him. Thank fate I was too young to notice what other ladies were seeing in him . Girls loved him and teachers more. Those days, if he could take attention of you, people could find you interesting and cool to be around. Everyday I heard girls comment on his swag and handsomeness but that was not it for me. Again,  thank God he was not taking us through any subject. 

One day after coming from a drama festival, I got the class lively and when I inquired why, I was told the 'Ramsi Noah ' had taught them poetry. Tamara, a classmate and a deskmate proudly bragged how he called her sweetheart and being too young to notice, she got heartbroken a week later. I suppose I should count myself fortunate for him not noticing me eventhough we crossed each others path many times or else I would have a bleeding heart as well : another fool in love! 

With time he had dated our school captain, librarian, store keeper, catress, class prefect, Mary, Njeri, Akinyi, Shiro, Tabby and had earned the reputation as a heartbreaker. If you already think that discouraged girls, well, you are wrong! Girls kept getting attracted to him. Some ended up in fights and enmities but all these remained underwater.  No teacher was to know what was going on. On watching keenly, I realised he would swage keenly from zero to hundred, making ways into many hearts with the same lies he had earlier used on those he heartbroken before. He could tell the same sweet nothings to the new girls. He was too lazy to come up with new vibes but anyway, why did he have to when the old ones had worked magic for all the others? That's when I understood that love is a great lier and makes us stupid. 

People fall for lies because they desperately want to believe they are true. I once fell for a lie too and I guess all of us have been a victim of the same. For the love of money, I placed all the cash I had on a lottery game and before I realised, I had lost them but kept trying hoping I would win the jackpot. Later on, I realised I had fell for lies and had got my money squandered because I desperately wanted to believe one day I would win . My cousin equally fell for her boyfriend's lies and before she could realize, her business was failing. She had placed all the business needed in her boyfriend's hand believing he would make it thrive. People have stupidity said "he will stop abusing drugs by time ", " he will stop stealing ", " he will stop cheating on me " e. t. c,  what these people don't understand is that love can be a lier, it makes you hope for change when you all know the change will never come. Your mind gives you the true image of someone but you let love auto correct the reality and lie to you. There are instances when one must walk away from love for their well-being and sanity. Face facts and say "he may never come back " , " he may never stop cheating " , " she may never stop devil worshipping ", e. t. c
Stop saying "he didn't mean to "when it's all evident that he doesn't care. You may never find peace in dragging and nagging but crying and leaving may be a therapy . Difficult? Perhaps that's why it's said "love must be tough ", again, love must be courageous enough to face the truth about a person and still believe in the best . Love can be blind and foolish but love must grow and learn to be tough, wise and truthful. 
