You've waited for too long: been so patient and this is what I think.... 

First, as soon as you get to read this, know that you're almost there.  Congratulations! By the way,  how does it feel? It's not yet the best I expect from you but atleast you've tried. Again,  trying is not what I want us to end at so what if I give you some hints. Well, it's here in the finals where most niggas fail but atleast be different.... 

Don't be that nigga who trys this hard then gives up or messes when he's almost there. Why I'm I even telling you this? Probably it's because I feel you should know that it's worth it.  Well,  I'm not to decide for you... 

And if you atleast happen to thrive through, dont be that guy who lets his ex bother her. She loves drama but will make you hate falling for her.  Protect her! 

I'm not sure if you'll cope with her neediness but if you happen to get a chance,  don't be that inconsistent guy who wants to be chased and waits to be reminded that she exists,  she'll walk away instead. 

Again, if you're lucky to charm her,  don't be that guy who ignores her texts for way too long. She's way too paranoid and you won't give her answers if she jumps into conclusions. 

If she allows you to own her, don't be that guy who entertains so many chics. She's a jealous type and will start fights over little things coz you know what? You two started as friends as well.

And if you have to take pics with other ladies, don't be that guy who allow them to peck you. Respect her,  she'll give you a piece of mind. 

She doesn't love guys spending on her so if you feel like spoiling her,  don't make it a daily habit,  she'll get bored and leave. 

Lastly, if you guys are going to have fights,  don't be that guy who fights back then go silent without solutions. She loves a guy who leads ,brings solutions and can tame her. 

And if you're going to finally have her,  be the guy she's been looking for all her life,  you won't loose her, I promise. 
