Coz love is a fiction
I'd never want to live
I promised never to fall in love
Coz by it I'd fall
And get drowned deep
Never to get rescued
I promised never to fall in love
Coz love breaks hearts
And leaves them in tatters
A damage I can't fathom
So better be it
I promised never to fall in love
Coz love made me a failure
And failure is my biggest fear
Coz who wants to fall?
Neither me nor you
But this love...
I promised never to fall in love
But once you tripped me
I got in with all I had
The way you looked at me...
And called me "mommy"
Who could resist that?
When all presented was a Prince Charming?
I promised never to fall in love
But your eyes - the way they spoke
A language the heart understood
Wait! The way you praised me...
The way you cared to ensure I'm okay...
The way you were there
When all seemed to vanish...
Who could resist that?
I promised never to fall in love
Because love broke my sanity
But once you came through
I knew I was stuck
You were all I wanted
And all I ever dreamt of
A support to my goals you were
A shoulder to lean on
A shoulder to cry on
A heart to speak to
I promised never to fall in love
But the way you collected my pieces
And brought true a lost dream
Love that was found in a friend
An ear that listened
A mind that answered
An effort
A psyche
In your world you tripped me
So I broke my promise
Heheeee,, first time am agreeing with u,,, I will never fall in love. Good work mimi
ReplyDeletehaha, thanks
DeleteWow. So sweet. Love is hectic by the way😕😕
ReplyDeleteIt's not, love is good. Thanks