A VIRTOUS WOMAN: Eschet_Chayil

A virtous woman is a woman of virtue. Virtue in this consent is high and admirable standards. In Hebrew, this woman is referred to as an eschet chayil ; she is a woman that is firm and endures. In the Bible, the best example we can give is Ruth. She is a poor widow but through her moral standards, she attracts Boaz. If you agree with me, every man has a dream of owning such a woman. She is one that builds herself and builds the people around her. So what's so unique about this type of woman?

1. She endures
Though challenges are bound to be there, a virtous woman never allows anything to put her down. She goes through challenges strongly and when she finally gets out, she is stronger and better than before.

2. She has noble character
She has an admirable character and high belonging according to rank. This is a woman who beats others not by physical beauty but by inner beauty. She respects everyone around her and as well respects herself more. This kind of woman knows her body is holly and therefore she doesn't do things contrary to the holy ways. If it's dressing, she is always smart and presentable. She never gives her body a temptation of the flesh. She dates one man and becomes faithful to him.

3. She is hardworking
A virtuous woman never fail to toil hard. She is always determined and goes for what she wants. No matter how tough things may seem, an eschet chayil never gets tired until she gets to where she wants to be.

4. She thinks beyond the lane
An eschet chayil is a woman of brains. She always gets solutions to prevailing hardles. This kind of woman is one who you can confidently consult and get ways out through problematic times. She is intelligent and has a high IQ.

5. She is Trustworthy
As most ladies go around back biting, an eschet chayil keeps her mouth shut. She never uses her tongue to break but to build. An eschet chayil is too busy to find time for small gossips.

6. She is prayerful
An eschet chayil is one that keeps close to God. Her ways are holy and she conforms to religious teachings. An eschet chayil knows that the only place to draw strength is from the Most High.

7. She is respectful
A virtous woman is respectful. She honours everyone especially those in higher power than her. When she becomes a wife, a virtous woman submits to her husband despite his social class.

She is a woman of value; a queen; an empress. If you can't be an eschet chayil, get yourself one.



  1. I love this work, it's such touching, I respect all women.My role models

  2. Character,nobility,ability and spirit..This is awesome..I thought you were gonna burst my bubble again..haha
