"She's such a fake friend! He has so much ego, snap! Maybe I should get better friends," these are phrases we are all familiar with. Either, we've used them before or heard the people around us using them. But what do we use to measure the degree of fakeness in a person? "She comes from a rich family, I don't understand why she says she can't afford to join us for the vacation, but hold on, she also has a job, how comes she doesn't have as little as a thousand shillings to donate to us then?" Hey listen, I don't know how this sounds in your mouth but what reaches my ears is pure stupidity...

It's human nature to be attached to each other but it's another thing to feel entitled . It's so funny that the moment we get attached to people we start feeling like we are entitled to everything from them. Their company, their help, their money, their emotions etc. Whether a parent, a sibling, a friend or even an associate, we assume that attachment equals entitlement but should things really be that way? We live in a society where people have been branded fake for their inability to help. One thing we don't get to understand is that sometimes other people have loads of stuff stressing them and they put them a priority before even their personal needs. People fight a lot of silent battles and smiling all the time don't mean they are okay, they just don't want to talk about it and it's okay.

 The act of getting mad just because people deny you access to their peace, assets or time is the weakest thing I've met overtime. Yes people should help one another but them failing to, should be understood as much as their helping is. The more we brand others fake, the more we look more fake. It really aggreavates me when someone say they would have helped if they were in someone's shoe. Look, no one knows what another person is feeling unless you walk in their shoe so shun the judgement. People working don't mean they have money all the time and people having connections don't always guarantee that they will always be in a position to influence others to help. Let's stop demanding for too much and embrace the human nature to struggle. What aggreavates most is a person being helped dictating the amount of help they want like listen, a person earning 100, 000/= deciding to give you 5,000/= means they woke up for two days just to work for you. Where are your manners? A person who volunteers to help you despite the amount of help deserves a thank you and not a complaint. You didn't work to earn the help so what makes you think you deserve more? Honestly this entitlement thing is absurd. No one owes you anything, not even your parents. Appreciate the little people offer and if they don't, understand that they couldn't.  You can't always be mad over people who most of the time don't even care if you took lunch or even if you're breathing. I agree we all deserve to be helped and to help each other but let's not be too much. Don't even think of being entitled, shit changes but life must move on. Free yourself the shame and just live freely, peace✌️


  1. Fake and friends can never appear in the same sentence that I construct. Some people don't need love
    They are in need and that's the highest degree of idiophancy I know.
    In an relationship, plutonic or romantic, be an independent ass and hey
    Interdependence will come,
    # tell them bare🤒

  2. Most of the enemies you have today are people you once helped in life. It's better to disconnect yourself from friends who get angry when you succeed, that's a low key sign of witchcraft 😠😡😠😡.

  3. Free yourself the shame and live freely, damn I love that.

  4. And this friends to understand that as you work hard they should also and not only being dependant on you

  5. If there is one thing 2019 has taught me, is not to be entitled. You just read my thoughts. Anyone who expects things from others often gets disappointed. Well put Bree.

  6. Well,Struggles put you in a position to make better decisions.You'll survive and should take the lessons learned especially in order to move forward in life. It may have been raining in your life for a moment, but the sun will shine again.this is your opinion after life taught you something if am not wrong.
