Ladies, what makes you think a man loves you so much? He had sex with you and said you are sweet, how many ladies do you think have had the same phrase from him? He took you out and spent a little cash on you, are you worth that cash? He calls you twice a day just to check up on you ; what makes you think that you are are not an option ; someone to to entertain him while bored?

Some people don't love you, they don't even care about you. They just want to stay connected to you. The love the benefits so they do the minimal.... a little phone call here and there, just checking on you... what they are really doing is maintaining the connection, so when they need or  want you, they still have a a way in. Unless they are doing something to prove your worth, stop wasting your fruitful time and effort trying to make it so easy for them.

Men are hoes too, they will use you and leave you like you didn't even exist in their life. He tells you he loves you but but never show it. You are just an ATM machine to him. He has to say "I LOVE YOU " to get the cash, consume your food, borrow your watch and consume your precious time ; "I love you" is just your pin number.

It's high time to stop looking at the little things you are done to and major on something that can build you. Raise your rent and kick that useless asshole out.

Men don't necesarily have to prove their love materially. Be a lady of worth and prove to them that you can double what they can offer. Be a lady that men would struggle to have and not use simple passwords like slide to unlock and I love you to get to ; show your worth.



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