The same reason why am hurting, is the same reason why you broke my heart the other time. Impatience is a drug in my blood, it was inflicted in my veins and am afraid it's killing me. You told me to wait and give you time, to earn the trust you once broke because you are not rich enough, to earn it in a day. But how long should I wait? When you text not, unless I do it first...

How long should I fight, to defend my breaking walls? Coz no move will make it stabilized. How long should I wait, to see signs that you are into making things work? Should I push you from your comfort zone? To help me make the broken limo? Is it that am too loyal or maybe much promising? What makes you think you are worth this waiting?

Not that am so impatient, but atleast show signs that once again you are not going to disappoint me, just the way you did it the other time. I know what my weakness is : once I love someone, I can't shake them off my heart no matter how much I try to do so. I don't imply that I wish to shake you off but all I want is a genuine stay. It's not always my habit, to give second chances to people who have once wasted the chance. But I feel you are important, not because you deserve it, but because you are all my heart wants. Would you please help me heal from the wounds you once pricked pricked in my heart? I know I love attention and that is my poison. Who would not want to die for what she loves? Kill me with your attention prince charming. Let's bleed from the same vein.


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