Have you ever realised that men who call themselves "kingslayers" AKA "slay kings" have nothing to offer to the community? The go around in swagarifique attires carrying CDS and chewing bubble gums all to cover up the fact that they are useless  and are only hunting for cookies. Why would a man spend his day online chasing slay queens? Pause,  I know they are your type but wait,  can't you get anything better to do? Are you a robot? 

Going around uploading your pics in social media and commenting to every Mary,  Njeri and Akinyi's post only show your level of idleness. Dude,  get yourself something to do and stop this king slayer fuckery. Kingslaying  don't bring food to the table. Am more surprised that these are the kind of dudes who go around walking with selfie sticks and umbrellas,  babe,  accept this,  you are a woman. Real men don't go around taking pics anywhere and everywhere. I don't mean to intimidate women in any way but that's our lady nature to love ourselves and always yearn to see what you admire in us,  but for a dude...... 

Ladies,  shun away from these slay kings, they are the kind who will watch you slide on your heels and be like "haki woiyee, umeumia sweetie?  " Tf dude! Where were you when I was sliding and falling just beside you? Take your life to where you have been my entire life.These are the kind of big babies who still live with their mothers and have nothing to offer but their d**cks. They smash you w ith free government CDS, call you with storo bonus or whatsapp you with Wi-Fi mwitu,  babe, add tax to your value and leave such mfs behind. They don't deserve you. Don't give yourself to someone who can't even take care of themselves.  Save yourself the shit chic. 

Dudes, it's high time to stop making yourself liabilities and invest on that idle self. Living a lie won't make your dreams come true, work hard to see yourself where you want. Yes, you want to slay all day but what is slaying according to you? I don't want to define this but just know that your wallet should slay before your outer self. Gucci is good but what is the essence of owning them if you can't defend your worth? 

Again before I forget,  am not sorry to tell you that you aren't a slayer, you are useless. Instead of this idleness, enrol for a class,  apply for jobs or get something worth your time. I don't understand the reason why a man should dress up and take pics then upload them to facebook that he's feeling sick. Well kingslayer, am sorry your are sick but how will sympathy heal you? Go to the hospital and get medication. Am surprised that some go ahead using the money they'd use to buy drugs for buying data then insta-sick,  alright, I hope instagram heals you. Anyway, the truth is this, likes and comments will never  heal you or earn you some money,  mature up and shun away from this fuckery!

Don't get me wrong, am not against taking photos, Infact am one of these photohollics. Taking photos ain't bad but making it your hourly pill makes you lose taste. Stay away from the mix unless photography is your career. Again,  showing up in each and every occasion no matter how swagarifique you look only defines your level of idleness. Don't slay for the world,  build your wallet and make your soul slay in pride. 



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