The reason why relationships end too soon is because men stop putting efforts they used to put when woeing ladies. You look for me, why the hell should you assume that I'm the one to reverse the action and chase after you like a bulldog on heat chasing a bitch?

People say women take longer to get ready for occasions than men, but when it comes down to relationships, I swear the roles are definitely reversed. Like why did you come for me if you weren't ready yet? Maybe you feared that someone would grab me but what makes you think my yes will stop it if you are not doing your work? They won't even do the snatching but I'll ease their work by going without being snatched. Don't expect a cow to stand in a dryland and watch greener grass at the other side of the road whilst there are chances of getting to them,  unless you tie it with a rope but damn you, even if you do the tying, I'll cut the f**cking rope with my teeth. 

One time you are treating me like am part of you and the other time you aren't even aware of my existence wtf nigga? Decide where you want to be and stay consistent there : if you want to be close then move closer but if you want to be far, move far away from me. Having you in between is so confusing and that's not what I want to dwell on. I refuse to be part of your confused life. Don't assume that a woman cannot survive without you because she tends to seek for your reassurance and consistency. You were nowhere in her life but she was doing fine so what the hell are you? A vice Jesus? Men, give us a break.... 

I hate it so much to put my pride down and text you first then you text like you are being forced. The fvckng phone is yours as well as the finance so whose forcing you? If you can't give the energy back then why the hell are you even still holding on? Let go and watch better kings show you how it's done. A lady should  not be chasing a man whatsoever. Even if his D ejaculates gold or honey,  sweetheart, get honey from a bee comb and gold from the shops - they're wayward more valuable than those fluids af. No man should make you feel valueless and needy in any case. He doesn't supply your oxygen and if he does, prove him you can survive by breathing in neon and carbon dioxide. He ain't superior so what makes him think that he is? Is he your phone charger? 

If a man ain't putting any effort to show interest,  give him a nice ass kick and walk away. Don't wait for light at the end of the tunnel. Break the fvckng tunnel and have the entire sunshine with you. Men, what make you think that you should be chased like a dog? Yes,  maybe I had a feeling for you before you made a move but I was surviving,  what makes you to now think that your non existence in my life will kill me? Then you test my waters to see how deep they run: dude, you better know how to swim. 

I don't understand when women and men switched roles so that men are now all over bitchy and catching feelings as ladies have turned into complete savages catching flights and dropping chills. Men,  y'all want to behave like bitches, what are the bitches gonna do? Then you call yourself men? Relax hunny,  you're a little baby.

If you can't treat ladies how they're supposed to be treated, leave them tf alone.
