Barrack Obama, Uhuru Kenyatta,  Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Herbert Hoover, Glen Campbell, Phill Collins,  Graham Walker , just to mention a few, what do they have in common? Power, fame, royalty and stuff.... 

But is there something we are forgetting? Well, I think so..... 

They are all left handed. Does that necessarily guaranteed that the left hand side humankind are associated with royalty? Maybe I would say yes but I doubt my intellects : it would be or wouldn't be. So what is so unique about this breed of humankind? 

Specifically,  let's major on the left hand side male. 

Why male? I think they are more unique as compared to the left hand side female. 

The traditional generation saw them as a liability to the society : in most cases, if a child would  be born left handed, they were treated as a curse to the parents. Most elders would force a left hand-side child to eat and work with the right hand  no matter how hard that turned to be on their side. But what changed?  Mentality. Thanks to the new generation. The left hand side genre of specy has henceforth succedded in many fields and turned out to be considered royals. But do they have weaknesses? Yes,  every human has. But so what?  They have strengths too... 

Somehow, I would say they are normal just like any other human being but they have a uniqueness,  something that makes different from others : they are weak,  they give up easily,  but guess what? That doesn't define them. They are perfectionists,  exceptionalists,  disciplinarians,  down to earth,  persistent and men of words. So how does a "weak " person turn to be all these? By saying weak, I don't imply that they aren't fit for the society or can't handle stuff just like others, don't get me wrong,  I mean most of them easily get heart broken : little words,  little actions and anything else get directly to their hearts but does that make them too vulnerable? No,  they have defense mechanisms,  and how does this help? They stop them from opening up and getting hurt easily. 

Do you all realize that this breed of men can't open up easily and tell you their secrets and desires? Well,  it's not their fault-they  fear disappointments and being taken for granted. Most of them even turn out to be so proud to an extent of not making the first moves. But what if they do? Most of them realize and sit back. Somehow,  this is a huge trap : imagine falling in love so deep with a guy and days later he starts behaving like normal friends. Does that mean anything changed? You wouldn't know since men don't know how to give reassurance. What if you asked? It's common that all men don't take it positive, they see it as a luck of trust, a set back, to them, it's like they aren't just enough for you. But how do you spin the code? Is there a secret? The good news is,  there is....... 

All breeds of men want to feel trusted and loved. But what if he ain't showing any signs that he still cares? Do you go ahead and ask him? This is the major challenge and when it comes to a fully developed madam boss,  you wouldn't or would you? It depends with the level of ego you have. But it's not necessary that you would ask to know. Eventhough it's said asking does magic,  at times it doesn't mostly for a reserved human. He would see that you are crossing his line. Now what's the best thing to do? Keep quiet and assume all is well yet you aren't comfortable? I guess not. That would hurt more. 

Ignite the fire : put down the pride and make things moving. Nothing sucks like a boring relationship where it's all whatsapp chats and that's the end. Wait,  are you dating or just playing games around? A relationship should be spiced up with outings,  sex and deep night conversations. As much as it is said that communication is the most important part of a relationship, we must consider that most left handed men don't know how to venture into deep talks unless you sail  the boat and lead them. Others are naturally men of few words and clueless of what to say.  You would be surprised how they give much than you expected when you make the first move. So what hinders you? Go ahead,  starve those fears and crack the code. You want an outing? Suggest. You want sex? Seduce him into it. You want help? Ask for it. You want him to tell you his secrets? Tell him yours. You want gifts? Buy him too. These men are not numb, you could disapprove their pride if you make a little more effort and once they fall into your trap, they're never disappointing,  they'll open up and proove to be the best kind of men you ever dreamt about. So go ahead and spin the code 😋.

Make relationships beautiful. 
