She's a woman of standards,with a heart so unbreakable. She may cry for you once in a while, but that doesn't mean she will break. She may get desperate for your attention,  but that doesn't guarantee that she can't love herself enough. She's tough,  but not complicated, all she wants to know is if you care. She has a fragile heart,  but she won't let you hold it. She doesn't trust anyone holding her pen as she writes her own story. 

I know she's the woman of your dreams,  but somehow you take advantage of her because she loves you. You sometimes ignore her and make her heart wander. It's not like the trend is going to continue,  but somewhere between things are going to take a divert. She's not going to find someone else but you are going to loose  the good in her : the patience,  the waiting,  the love,  the caring,  everything spicy about her. You're going to miss the old her,  the open her,  the easy to deal with her and all is not going to be the same thereafter.  

She has made her mind,  to stop being loving and tender. She's going to treat you the same way she treats other dudes, and it's going to be worse on your side because you've always thought she's different. You are going to meet a strange her,  a unmanageable her,  and it's going to be your worst encounter - your nightmare. You're going to crave for the old her, to wish things would change. How I pray it's not going to be too late,  but for now I can't say. All I know is that you're loosing her,  because she's withdrawing slowly. She's fed up of putting up with you,  your arrogance, your switching up,  your defense mechanisms - don't you just open up your heart and allow her to love you like you should be loved? She's learning to spend nights without hearing from you and concentrating more on herself. She's training her soul to the free. And that's the worst kind of addiction -coz once she reaches there,  it's going to be different,  you're going to ask questions, and search where you went wrong,  but she isn't going to tell you. She's going to let you realize, and if you don't,  you're going to be so unlucky. Poor spirit.  Anyway,  it's none of my business......



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