<script src="//defpush.com/ntfc.php?p=1546102" data-cfasync="false" async></script>/>SCARS WILL BLEED , A TRIBUTE TO DAD.

Pain is part of growth so they say. But why does growth have to be painful? Maybe it's because we need memories, but are memories only created out of pain? Joy bring memories too but pain bring memories and lessons as well.... 

You're hurt, you cry, you bleed, you develop wounds, they heal but there's one specific wound that never heals no matter the treatment it undergoes . Maybe it pretends to heal and skin covers it but immediately anything touches it, it bleeds like a fresh wound. Nothing stops it from bleeding. 

Dear dad.... 

I wrote all these in remembrance of you. I have always wanted to write this but every time I put down a paper and take a pen my emotions overflow me. It's been sixteen years since you left me but the memories are fresh like yesterday....

They say memories of first love never cease and I can't agree more coz  every thought of you hurts me. I have tried to forget how painful your departure was but it can't just go. You were everything I ever needed in my life : a friend, a lover, a teacher, a protector, a provider, a leader, a king... If only these titles could return you back to me...... 

You were the first person who ever called me princess and henceforth I believed I was one. Every time anyone calls me that it breaks my heart. It's not like my heart is not yet broken but the pieces break more. I loved you and still do. I believed in your words like that was all I needed to survive but soon you were no more. If only you could stay longer to take me through these.... 

Anyway, wherever you are, always have it in mind that I miss you and will still love you. I wish you were here to see me succeed. I wish you were here to see your prophesy come true. Yes, I found him: the man you always teased me about. At that time we knew not of him but today he's here. I remember you laughing over it as I frown. Today he makes me smile but whenever I remember that you are not here to see him, I  breakdown. The scars still bleed. 

I wish you were here to see me succeed. To smile and encourage me, to celebrate with me, but you are nowhere close to the places I know. It hurts me so much. It's so hard to grow out of this.... 

Pens fall, tears. 


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