Everyone at one point in life crave for attention. I suppose we'all especially ladies, have found ourselves in a situation where we do stupid things and look desperate but here are the five things that ladies do that make us look extremely desperate :

1. One way context 

Have you ever loved someone to a point where you feel sick when they don't talk to you? Well, for me I have and it was one of the worst situations in my life. Do we all realize that dudes take advantage of such situations? Well,  this kind of obsession is bad and if you're not careful it may make you be the chaser: always texting and calling first,  and to make it worse, doing it all the time. It ain't a bad thing to reach out but if you constantly do it,  you end up looking desperate and optionless. Stop being the one to always initiate conversation. Cats don't chase after dogs, you are the price and a relationship should be a two way traffic thing. 

2. Pulling for attention 

You know what sucks? Playing mind games. Stop posting desperate things to get sympathy and attention, that's not how it's done. Who hits people to make them guilty of what they are not doing by posting them? You know why he's your boyfriend? Because you should be honest with him. Don't air your dirty linel to us, we don't need to see it. Creating guilt might be a good way to get what you want but you know what? That's manipulative and crazy. It only makes you appear desperate. 

3. Pleading your case to friends

Yes, you had a fight and he's not talking to you. So what? Should all your friends know? Including his friends? BITCH,  sit your ass down. Unless you feel so depressed and need help,  stop sharing with every Tom, Dick and Harry,  they don't have to know. No one cares about what's happening in your relationship. It's non of their business. The worst thing is crying to his friends .So that they can go and talk to him? Who told you they care? Guys are not like ladies,  they don't vent talk about  what their 'bro's ' chic is experiencing. Those niggas are not your friends,  remember they chill with side bitches too so stop showing how desparate you are to them. 

4. Oversexualizing yourself 

'Pussy so tight,  pussy so sweet'

'Thick and bootylicious'

'Sweeter than your bae'


Hold up! Who's not? How do you know that you're sweeter than 'his' bae? Bitch, sit your thirsty ass down. Constantly posting your pics with such captions only shows how thirsty you are and how unfocused your mind is. Who even thinks that way?  Stop being over sexy. 

Everything is sex : half naked pics,  talks,  wtf?! No one will take you serious with such mindset.  You are not being attractive,  you're being desparate for sex. Stop! 

5. Moving out of your original position. 

So you warned him that he's not coming to hit when you invited him for the movie night but all of a sudden a series of events make you high. Bitch,  stick to your words. Don't allow him do what you said you wouldn't do. If you want to be respected,  be a lady of her words. Be careful of making decreative statements so that you don't look like a jack ass . Stick to what you said, don't be desperate to make him like you. 

Next time before you fall victim of such, remember guys don't fall for desperate ladies,  they'll take advantage of you then dump you. 

Inspired by Aiden 



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