When I was growing up, I thought dating was a real thing. I remember my mother telling me stories of Prince Charming. And just like all the other little girls, I couldn't wait to grow up and meet my Prince Charming. Growing up meant unlearning my mom's sweet tales : Prince Charming was not what I thought - he's some cute guy with a nice smile and sexy eyes, yes he's attractive, but not attractive attractive.Prince Charming is a  dead illusion.

Honestly,  our society is losing track. So we came from gentlemen to playboys who could just cheat and leave then to fuck boys who don't want to settle and finally to a confused generation of men who don't know where they belong. Most of y'all want to date but you don't . Mr Confused,  could you kindly sit your ass down and decide what's best for you? You can't be breaking women and  pray to marry collected and smart ladies, where are they going to come from? And if at all they'll come, where will this broken generation of women go? I'm so saddened by men who want to keep a good woman by their side, look for other bitches as she stares,  break her like she wasn't meant to be loved,  see her walk away like she didn't matter then continue chasing the bitches, see them hurt themselves then start complaining of women are complicated. What are you trying to do? 

In my view, the biggest problem today in the modern day relationships is that most men aren't MEN anymore. There was a time when being with a man meant being with a partner, a lover, a protector,  a supporter, an advisor,  a friend,  a companion.... But what's this we are having today? Are we cursed or something? I just don't understand where the society is headed to.... 

Men nowadays stopped caring for their women. They take eight months to chase and win you, only to start misbehaving after two months.  Like seriously, what gets in your senses? There is no sense in chasing a woman if you're going to break her. Infact,  it's more senseless being in a relationship and feeling miserable and alone. It literary makes no sense to be in a relationship and feel like you're competing for a position in a person's life. First of all,  you are not the only man that wants her, so, if you can't treat her right,  sit down and watch another man do it for you. 

I just wish more men could man up and take care of the souls of women who care for them. I wish they'd be more honest with women who give them the truth. Don't y'all see how rare truth is in the modern society? People just want to fake everything and worship it. At least value the ones you happen to stumble across. I just wish men would start being protective of not only the partner's heart, but the relationship as a whole. A relationship has three lives: Hers, His and for both the two. If you happen to underrate one,  you are already failing. 

I miss the kind of men who would make their women feel secure and safe within their relationship,  create assurance when one was needed, not allow external forces to make her belittled. But what is with this generation that will boldly tell a woman she's insecure and leave things at that? Please,  treat your woman right,  make her feel comfortable,  don't belittle her,  don't stress her....

A gentleman should ruin a ladies lipstick, not her mascara. 

Make relationships worthy again. 

This article is not subjected to attack or target anyone but rather,  it's a general opinion of the writer. Not all men lost track of gentleness but if you're among the men that break women and expect to marry a fully collected woman,  you are retarded, get a mental hospital.

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