We have all probably heard the terms psychopath, right? But what of sociopath? Many people tend to think psychopathy and sociopathy are one and the same thing but guess what? They are completely different! 

Well,  a sociopath is a person with a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and a violation of, the rights of others. It commonly begins at childhood and if not realised as early as possible grows with a person to adulthood. Eventhough sociopaths and psychopaths got a few common traits ,sociopathy comes as a result of environmental factors such as up-bringing while psychopathy is an innate phenomenon.

Most sociopaths are people who were raised up as a single child or,  sometimes,  they are people who were raised up alone for a long period of time only to be followed by another sibling after a period of as long as 15 or more years. These children grow up with a disregard for others, jealousy and they tend to live in their own imaginary world.  So how do you identify a sociopath? 

1. They are authoritarians 
Because they were raised up knowing that the world belong to them,  they tend to control anything and anyone around them. Funnily enough,  sociopaths are uncontrollable,  they'll easily walk out of your life if you try to control them.  As a result, they don't stick in relationships but rather hit and run. 

2. Dominative and Charming
Apart from being authoritative,  sociopaths are so dominative. They have the power and influence over people. They also radiate charm which make it easy for them to cover up their manipulative ways. 

6.They have no guilt and remote over others and situations 
Sociopaths live amoral world of their own where they can never empathize with others and neither do they feel guilty. They believe that any pain inflicted in someone is well deserved by that person and is either a consequence of something they did earlier or a lesson they need to learn .

5. They are egocentric
Being that most of them are raised alone without other siblings,  sociopaths don't share what they have. Furthermore,  they have a tendency of bragging about themselves like they are the only ones who exist on earth. They don't accept corrections and would rather shut on you than getting a different idea on them. If you happen to argue with a sociopath, he/she will go silent on you until you feel bad about it and apologise even if he/she was the one on the wrong side .

6. They are parasitic in nature 
A sociopath will act like a leach who cling onto other creatures for their own benefit. Once they accomplish what they want,  they slip out and place blames on other people . Most sociopaths even have the audacity to tell you that they didn't tell you to do a favour to them once you try reminding them that you helped them. 

7. They are impulsive in nature 
Sociopaths miss the logic of "think twice before you act" . They easily get overwhelmed by emotions and act without thinking. Once things go wrong,  they blame on others for the consequences. 

8. They have shallow emotions 
Even though they may seem to be genuinely happy,  emotional or in love, sociopaths don't feel anything and when they do,  they push it away and fake things to replace them. Their smiles may represent anger and their empath may represent joy. This makes it so difficult to understand sociopaths.

9. Compulsive Liers 
Sociopaths are pathological liers. They can create a story in their head,  make it reality and convince everybody to believe it.  Most sociopaths are good story tellers who got a good sense of exaggeration.  Even though 90% of their stories are lies,  you won't recognise that they are lying to you. If you happen to  find out their lies, they will change the subject by blaming others for it and make you believe in them. 

I hope these tips will help you identify sociopaths and know how to deal with them. 

Disclaimer :
Finding one or two of these characters in a person don't guarantee that they are sociopath.  Unless it's diagnosed by a doctor,  don't jump into concluding someone is one. 

All Rights Reserved 


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