Ladies are very talkative creatures.  We take time to get comfortable with our boyfriends and once we do,  we can do or say anything. But do you realize that sometimes we are annoying af and push people who love us away by that? Well,  here are the things you should never tell him if you want to keep him :
1. Will you hold my purse? 
Many people would ask what's wrong with that but let me ask,  what's right with that? He's your boyfriend and he knows what's feels good for him. If he wanted to hold that purse,  he would without you asking. Not all men are comfortable holding ladies purses as you they walk around, so shut up and hold it yourself. 

2. Can we just be friends? 
Bitch,  are you out of your senses? There's nothing as such being friends to your once upon a time lover.  If you wanna go, go and if you wanna stay,  sir your ass down. 

3. I'm pregnant... Just kidding! 
Hello? Pregnancy is not something to joke with. Men get tension when their lady break the news of pregnancy,  don't kid him with that. He may even think that's a way you wanna use to make him commit. Stop! 

4. My last boyfriend was a little bigger 
Wow,  so he knows,  what next? Bitch,  before you start lowering that man's ego,  go back to that last boyfriend and leave him in peace. A man has no responsibility in making his little self big or small. Imagin him telling you that he's previous girl was more tighter,  how would you feel? Grow up or grow back to that ex,  he didn't remove you from him. 

5. I bet I can fart louder than you 
Like seriously? You are a lady,  there are things I don't just expect ladies to be comfortable saying. Keep it for yourself farty ass. 

6. I've been thinking of joining the convent
Hello Mother Theresa? Why are you dating in the first place? Go... 
Somethings aren't just fun saying, you're making yourself look stupid for no saint reason. 

7. I tell my mom everything 
Like literary everything? Well,  that's great but do you know you're scaring him away? Being mommy's girl is good but telling her literary everything? Bitch,  so you told her he sucked your juices? Ok,  fine thank you madam stupid.  How does she take you? 

8. Why can't you be more sensitive? 
For one,  dudes are raised to be strong not sensitive,  blame the society. Two,  you should understand that no nigga is going to easily cry in front of his chic. Maybe when with his bros but you? Think again... 
Wait,  you want him to be sensitive then start judging him for being a weak man? Sit down and know dudes aren't like ladies. 

9. I've been with more guys than you've been with girls? 
Madam,  what are you implying? Before we start judging the kind of person you are,  shun from such stupid statements.  Even if it's true,  keep it for yourself. He doesn't want to know,  it's nor interesting. 

10.Stop hanging out with your friends and have more time for me
Wait,  what are you?  A loose phone charger that has to be checked every now and then for the phone to charge? Queen of attention,  your life doesn't revolve around him. He need those friends more than you.  When you leave,  they'll be there for him so please.... 

11. My ex boyfriend is saving time for armed robbery 
How do you know? And if he told you that means you still talk to your ex? And if you talk to him does your boyfriend have to know? What's the essence?  To threaten him? Hey,  stop being silly 

12. What's important to you? Me or the game? 
Men need time for themselves and other things too.  Let him go watch the game,  it'll show you trust him and that's a little cute. 

13. It's not stalking if you really really love someone 
So what is it? Baby girl, if you are a stalker, you are.  Stop creating excuses and if you stalk, does he have to know? Grow some sense,  you're making yourself look insecure and clingy. 

14. Would you mind if I saw other people? 
Would you mind if he saw other people? Anyway,  does this even have to be a question? Relationships are commitments,  if you can't be in one,  stay far and stop being an asshole. 

15. "Easy" it's just a nickname I picked at school 
You went to school to pick nicknames for him? Where did you get it from? Were you talking about him? Bitch,  don't even mention such a thing to him, trust me, he'll judge you wrongly. 

16. You need to be online throught so that we can talk frequently 
Hey social freak? People have other things to do,  it's not just talking to you.  Close that phone and get some life to live,  no one wants to be around an idle and unproductive person. 

17. I already picked names for our children 
I know ladies get names for future kids as soon as they have a crush on someone but please,  this is a girly thing. Don't mention it if he hasn't and even if he starts the topic,  don't be so obvious that you've been thinking of that. 

18. Could you just ran into the store and grab a packet of pads for me? 
Baby girl,  he knows you go on periods what else should he master,  your cycle? So that?  Well,  you could as well grab the pads for yourself,  stop forcing somethings.  Yes he can do it but it's not something men  love doing. 

19.  Do you think these cold sores would be something serious? 
Hello? Yes you want attention but this is not how it's done. What of seeing a doctor and asking the same question? Get attention in a good way not by creating panic. 

20. You'll meet my dad.... As soon as he's paroled. 
So your father is a prisoner? What should he expect from meeting him? Baby girl,  it's good to tell him your father is in prison (i. e once you two get comfortable).  But don't  make him eager of meeting him. It may cause unnecessary anxiety. 

Ladies,  I hope you got that.  Men, do you agree? 

Make relationships worthy 



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