Confidence is a virtue,  not everyone has it.  Most people try to prove their confidence by good dressing,  make up or even being social but did you know those only rate confidence to a certain level? Most confident people still get themselves doing and saying things that unconfident people say.  So what are these phrases that highly confident people never use? 

1. I can't 
This is always a sign of losing hope even before trying.  Most confident people don't lose hope. Instead,  they push to their level best to try new things and achieve bigger goals. 

2. I'm sorry 
It's not a bad thing to apologise but did you know using the word "sorry" makes you insecure? Most insecure people are always guilty and tend to apologise even for mistakes that don't exist.  Instead of saying sorry,  highly confident people find other words and actions to prove they are sorry. 

3. I have no choice 
Highly confident people will always have a choice and if they don't,  they'll find one. Saying you have no choice means you're defeated but guess what? Highly confident people don't get defeated.  They try until they can't no more. 

4. It's maybe 
Maybe shows uncertainity and a little confusion. Instead of saying maybe,  highly confident people say "I do believe". This make them appear bold enough and unbeatable. 

5. It's impossible 
Impossibility is lame.  Highly confident people find ways no matter how tough it is. 

6. I failed 
Confident don't fail.  Saying you failed is a sign of accepting defeat.  Highly confident people don't accept defeat,  instead,  they silently work on ways to win next time. 

7. I think 
That means you're unsure . Highly confident people only talk of what they know.  If they don't,  they shut up. 

Confidence is bold.  It has no competition .
