Probably you've heard the term alpha female.  What if you thought she's a bosslady? All alpha females are bossladies but not all bossladies are alpha females.  Sounds confusing? Well,  an alpha  female is a unique, powerful, assertive woman with confidence and superior intelligence. So how do you know an alpha female? 

1. She's  a social conductor
An Alpha females is a centre of attention.  In a group of ladies,  you will easily notice her.  All friends will always be sitting facing her or having focus on her. Most of the time especially in parties,  you will notice all the feet around the table pointing at her.  Sounds strange? Well, science proves that the most powerful person will always get the attention. 

2. The spotlight is always on her 
A large number of the female population always follow an alpha female's social cues. You will find a big number of people trying to copy her style of dressing,  how she talks and even her lifestyle. 

3.  When an alpha female leaves a crowd,  social vacuum is created 
Have you ever been in a crowd feeling good and enjoying yourselves then suddenly a lady leaves then boom,  boredom comes? Well, that only mean she's an alpha female. Due to the attention she creates,  her abscence is felt immediately she leaves. 

4. They have a uniqueness 
Someone would say everybody has but well,  there's this strong kind of uniqueness that stands out among others. They have a dominant power that makes them to be felt by everyone. 

5. They are powerful 
You can't find more than one alpha female in a cluster. Above all, they are always at the top of leadership positions. 

6. They are social lubricants and business mediators 
Though they are very choosy,  alpha females tend to be social beings who attract many people's attention.  They are business gifted and tend to grow fast when they involve in business careers .

7. They live with a purpose 
Though everyone claim to have a purpose in life,  alpha females live one day at a time.  They plan how their day will be every morning and will only retire to bed after achieving their goals . They are always defined by the many achievements they make. 

8. They are not afraid of being alone. 
An alpha female will not be afraid to cut off any relationship that causes a strain to her. She loves being alone and therefore will not feel empty for missing anyone . In most cases when alone,  alpha females read books and do lots of research and this make them always intelligent .

9 . They understand the importance of balance 
An alpha female will ensure she's healthy  both physically, mentally and emotionally. They will not get drained by anything but always aim to perfection  

10. They embrace change 
Alpha females are not afraid of change. They will face change with all courage and try to get used to it.

11. They are romantic 
Since they are born to lead,  alpha females will lead their relationships and make it the best. They will treat a man well until a man doubts if they can ever live without them.  If you're keen enough,  you will realise alpha females have a long list of admirers and their exes keep chasing them even after as long as five years after a break up.  They are simply irreplaceable. 

12. They are often misunderstood 
Alpha females are unapologetic about their opinions and unreinstated about their thoughts.  In most cases people tend to think they are rude because they stand for what they want and will tell you straight on the face how the feel no matter how you'll take it . 

13. They are uncontrollable risk takers 
Most alpha females don't fear risks.  They face them like its a norm. 

14. They know that they don't know 
Alpha females are always in constant pursuit of knowledge.  They will always try to learn a new thing and never gets satisfied with the knowledge they have. 

15. They never give up 
Alpha females will always go for what they want no matter the situation. Hurdles don't scare them,  they will not give up until they  get their want. 

If you happen to meet an alpha female,  you'll either love her for what she is or hate her because she intimidates you and if you try to mess her,  you'll both love and hate her .



  1. Bree 🔥🔥 that much bit is true.
    Keep going girl, someday your articles will find its way to newspapers and journals, magazines 💪
