So we all know that K is the chemical formula for potassium, right? As well,  we also know that there's friend-zone and famo-zone, right? But do we know that there's a zone worse than being family zoned and friend zoned? 

At one point in life, our crushes have been our worst deaths by bro-zoning and friend-zoning us. They kill us naturally by breaking our hearts.  It hurts to be called bestie when she's the one you wanna end up with, right? What of when she calls you bro? I guess it hurts most but have you ever been in a situation where you are neither a bro nor a bestie? She replies your texts with a one word message and most times with a k. This is the time you sit down and ask yourself what she got in chemistry coz potassium seems to be her best chemical.  Slayqueens might be a big disgrace at times... 

Well, family zone include being called bro, son or even uncle. Don't get me wrong,  there's UNCLE 😘 and uncle,  one is worse but the other one is dangerous. Fear a lady who has "UNCLE 😘S" in her contacts more than the one who calls you uncle.  Did you forget there's DDZADY? Well,  if she has that in her phone then don't waste your time. Sissy's getting a good whip and good money. Well,  that for another time.....

There are these people who neither bluetick you not block you,  they never read your texts as well though they are online 24/7. Did you know that these are the people who can kill you faster than a heart attack? They want you to know that they are online,  are seeing your texts but they don't care. They go offline then on but just ignore you. This is the moment you'd wish to call their parents and tell them that they're dead so that you share the pain. But is that possible? Naah,  you don't have their contacts so you just eat your non-existence. Like the ladies who get mad and reply you with a K which doesn't exist and in most cases they don't know the meaning, these kind of people place you in the k-zone. You thought it feels bad being brozoned and family zoned? Wait until someone makes you doubt your own existence. You'd even apply saliva in your palm and blow to prove if you're still breathing . These kind of people are the ones who save your contacts with (fullstop) , nkt or even 🤖. The immediate moment you realize you're in the k-zone, run! Did I say run for your life? Unless you're ready for death,  realize you don't matter and stop trying,  it doesn't add up. 



  1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    1. Let me help you laugh


  2. damn 🤣🤣🤣
