2019 has been a year of its own with everything we saw coming and the ones we didn't. With the "men's conference" followed by "women's conference", a lot of break ups happened in pro and post Valentine's Day. Well, I want to talk about Valentine's but let's first concentrate on the issue at hand "all men are trash!" : are you only realizing this after you are heartbroken? When our parents told us we are too young to fall in love, we thought they don't understand us . Now look at us living in a broken generation with depression and bitterness. Well,  in my opinion,  men are not trash, neither is love. If you are convincing yourself that men are trash because of the experiences you went through out of your choices, here's a reminder,  it was your decision to go for that relationship so face the outcome . Everything that happens to us are as a result of the choices we make in life so if your choices were f3cked up, accept and move on. Disappointments are there, they will live to be there and so are failed expectations . Instead of yapping on how trashy men are, next time pray for grace and if you gotta say a man is trash, quote your ex and say, "my ex boyfriend Alex Jude and not all men is (are) trash" OK? Men get heartbroken too and there are still good men in the society so before you start saying how trashy men are, let's think this way : Is your dad a trash? What of your brothers, uncles and sons? Shut up yappers, you are trash too and so are your decisions! Let's do better bitches...



  1. Bitter truth!! People end up in a relationship while still young with nothing to offer but with much expectations and i think thats why parents oftenly warn coz they know this but we don't listen when hurt 'men are trash' quote emerges

  2. The part where you quote the name of that guy is hilarious

  3. I agree...choices have consequences

  4. Thanks sana Bree for being with us men... Ladies also contribute for us being trash and it's a two way traffic
