Love is a religion,  sweet and bitter. It's said forbidden fruits taste sweeter but the outcome? This is what playing psychological  games look like: it's sweet until you're hurt and nothing can change that. In most cases,  it's our own fault that we are hurt : the signs are clear, we read them and then refuse to accept them. 

What do you do when your partner starts playing psychological games with you? Most ladies would start fearing losing the guy and therefore entertain the games. But does that prevent you from being hurt? You keep hurting but decide to cope,  it's like touching a hot stove and pretending it's warm. BITCH,  get the crap out and queen yourself. One time he's behaving like you mean the world to him, the other time he doesn't give a damn.  Help him choose option two. Don't let a nigga play those games with you. 

Devalue him : if you used to give him so much attention, freeze it.  You won't lose anything even if everything ends. Shun from giving unearned rewards.  Don't text first,  don't send those random messages and gifts,  don't spoil him.  Let him learn how to value the little rewards he earns. Learn to ignore negativity, they'll act up if you play back. If he treats you wrong, don't insult him, every adult is big enough to know how to treat others, you are the prize.  Insulting dudes after they start playing psychological games make them think you are weak,  don't boost his stupid ego. Remember you are not the first person he dated. Probably he treated the others that way and he thinks he should treat you the same. Don't entertain him, he'll think you are a jerk. 

Dudes have a tendency of trying to be superior, if that's what he's testing on you, kick his bullshit ass out without a warning,  sometimes all you need is to stop seeking validation from others. If he realizes his mistake and corrects it, reward him.  Don't act like good behavior is a routine,  in most cases, it's not. Act like you care if they show good deeds : text often,  appreciate them,  send random messages,  kiss him e.t.c you are the only controller of how a guy will treat you. Man up! 

Make relationships worthy. 



  1. This is awesome Bree... Nice work
    Buh look why you guys always put emphasis on men as the one breaking or rather playing tricks
    On your relationship, i think both are liable.

    1. Haha, it's always men: they are the drivers of a relationship. If anything goes wrong, in most cases they are always the cause. Thanks anyway
