Every vehicle has a driver and the driver is not determined by his/her level of superiority . Ever wondered why most high class and low class members of the society are driven by people of the middle class? Well,  it's just funny: the rich employ the middle class to drive their personal vehicles and the low class  border PSVs which are in most cases driven by middle class drivers. This is just to create a balance in life. 

Just like the cars, every relationship has a driver. I get superly amazed by people who try to argue that anyone can lead a relationship. Well, ladies, did you first approach the guy you are currently dating? If yes, congrats, that was a bold move but if your answer is no as most of us would say, sit down and make some coffee: you want to be the one to always initiate a conversation, set dates, introduce him to your friends and even propose a date for proposal, who tf are we lying to here? Yes, it's good to show efforts but to much of something....?! I don't wanna finish that for you.... 

Every relationship has a high and a low point and you are not to decide when to go where, right? The same applies to arguments : Everything will go well until you realize tables have turned and you've had a fight. Depending on the type of people you are, moments of spite and anger will follow. Then what next? Someone is terribly hurting and knows not of how to go about everything. Funnily, this 'someone' in most cases if not all is always the lady but is it our fault? Nope. Ladies are naturally emotional. 

So everybody's silent and you aren't just comfortable with it. You get mad for being ignored because that's exactly what he's doing. You want to provoke him into talking to you : you try calling and he doesn't receive. You send him a text message and he ignores, you whatsapp him and he decides you're feeding on blueticks. So what next? You start worrying, crying, stressing, cussing, having sleepless nights and even starve yourself. But does this help? At the end of the day, you're sick and terribly tired and desparate. You start thinking that you've lost him and therefore text him repeatedly  just to get reassurance . Do you'll realize this is why he takes advantage of you? Ofcourse he'll collect himself up and finally make things right then boom! You're back to your world of being taken for granted. You've boosted his ego and assured him that you need him. 

He'll keep repeating his mistake because he knows you'll always be there for him. Bitch, stop this backing up nonsense. If there's someone who's gonna loose, it ain't you. Better men who are willing to treat you right will never lack. Cats don't chase after dogs , stop chasing him and let him be a man. Unless it was your fault that caused the strain, you really need to make things up. Shun from being victimized even where you aren't the victim. Get some life and destruct yourself from everything. Automatically, he'll back up for you to solve everything. But what if he doesn't? Then it's not your fault. I repeat, DON'T chase him,  you're not to blame. It's not even his fault. Fate decides where you end up in. Just pick yourself up and wait for where fate lands you. 

Bring back our old gentlemen and make relationships worthy again. 

This article is not subjected to back up any lady from her fault and I didn't say you be heartless. Learn where to draw your lines. 




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