Have you ever met these self centered people who have exclusive interest and admiration in themselves? Well, you've met a Narcissist . Eventhough psychologists say narcissism is a disorder, there are certain types of disorders that shouldn't be coped in life since they are self caused. So you are wondering how to identify these narcissists? Well, below are the signs : They are always self centered  have a grandiose personality that makes them feel as if they are heroes.  In other terms, I call that superiority complex. They will exaggerate a sense of self importance and believes that others cannot live without them. In most cases, they hoard conversations and only talk about themselves. They will not give you a chance to express your views freely because they know better and their say is final. Apart from hoarding conversations, they are also conversation interrupters who will not only interrupt you while talking but also make the conversation to turn around and be about them. Being in a relationship with such kind of people will make you feel belittled and undermined.  
Have you ever met these manipulative people who have a character of wanting to control and influence you into their own beliefs and ideologies? Well,  these are narcissists as well. They will always make have a feeling that they are entitled to privileges and in most cases, they will break the rules and don't care. They always violate boundaries and show wanton disregard for other people's thoughts, feelings, possessions and physical space. They will use you by borrowing your money and not returning, always coming over to your place for meals but never inviting you to their places e. t. c.  When relating with these kind of people, be careful because they will not show any sense of guilt. 
The worst kind of narcissists are the ones who play victim . They are the kind of people who will never be wrong no matter how evidential their faults are. They will blame you for pushing them into doing their wrong deeds and will make you apologize for pointing out their faults . In most cases, these kind of people are sensitive to criticism and will cause a lot of drama when you criticize them. Some will cry, shout for you, hit up arguments or even walk away. Funnily, they are always quick to judge, criticize and ridicule you. Don't entertain such kind of childish behaviors because they will only make you feel miserable. Walk away and don't look back. 
To make it worse, these kind of people are big attention seekers. They are always clingy and will inflict negative emotions to make you notice them. They enjoy spreading negativity to gain attention, feel powerful and keep you insecure and off-balance. They will always see the bad in everything and make it a big deal. Shun from giving them unearned attention and if possible, leave them alone. 

This narcissm bullshit is crap and people must learn to be two way traffic developers in order to get love. Don't allow anyone to use you in the name of loving you. 

Make relationships worthy. 


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