Do you suspect he's playing mind games with you? Do you feel like he's trying to manipulate you? If yes, then trust that intuition. 

Mind games are calculated or deliberate behaviours that one or both partners use to manipulate, intimidate, influence or undermine another person's behavior. They involve twisting facts to make you think like them and justify their actions. 

People play mind games to get more secure in a relationship,  get self esteem and self justification, take control of the relationship or maybe stabilize their abusive nature. It maybe a very tough situation to deal with but how do you go about such games? 

1. Call their bluff
You don't have to stay silent and suffer if you are not comfortable. No one is responsible for making you feel that way. Talk to your partner and make them aware that you know what they are doing. But as you do this, remember you don't need anger to pass any information.  Wait until you are calm then table your complains. 

2. Understand their motivation 
You will only understand this after you talk to them.  There are three responses that he can make :Its either he will deny it,  turn it around and make you feel guilty or be concerned about how you feel and promise to work on it. If he denies your accusations or turn it around on you, shoove him off. You don't have to stay where you are mistreated but if he responds with concern,  talk deeper and make him feel safe or solve the problem. 

3. Expose the player 
If you tell them how you feel but they respond negatively, you may have to deal with them. Don't allow anyone to deny what you are feeling. It's not for them to decide how you feel. Stop the conversation and walk away. 

4. Make a decision and stay strong 
Sometimes people know what they should do but choose to do the opposite. Forget about what you feel and remember what you deserve. Revisit your relationship goals and expectations . If he doesn't live to them, act and stay responsible to yourself. 

5. Overcome the fear of rejection 
What's going to happen if the relationship stops? Will life stop? Fight the fear. Rejection is just a disappointment but you have to adopt the belief that if it's meant to be,  it will and if not,  no amount of effort will make it possible. Don't ask yourself why things didn't work or if he'll treat the next person better. No,  he won't,  abusers never change. 

Remember if it's worthy,  confronting him about the mind games will bring change,  if not, it's okay. It's not even his fault. 

Make relationships worthy. 


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