Choice and preference is a freedom everyone deserves in life but are we aware that some of the choices we make, no matter how little they are define us? One of them is our phone ringtone. Funny,  right? Well,  that's just so unfortunate.....

What do you think of a person when you hear a dirty Hip Hop song from his/her phone as a ringtone? What of a gospel song? What of a break up or romantic song? If you are human enough,  well, even if you don't judge them, you develop a perception. They say first impression counts but do you know impressions are created by mostly the most infinite things? 

People judge us from the little things like our ringtones. Imagine being in a business meeting then a phone with the maximum volume rings with a ringtone of a secular music then destructs everyone. To make it worse,  the owner doesn't excuse him/herself but receives it there and talk for over thirty minutes. What would you think of such a person? Would you want to partner with him/her for a serious business deal? Most people would say no, but why? It's his phone and he has a freedom to choose it's ringtone and to receive any call that comes in whenever he wants, so? Well,  there's a big problem with such a person . It may not be a mental problem as such but that clearly indicates how arrogant and unfocused in life such kind of a person is. I would not hire such a person for a job if the same happened in an interview where I was an inteeviewee. 

What if the call came up with the same ringtone but a slightly lower but still audible lyrics? Would you still judge the person with the first perception? I guess not. And what if the phone only vibrated? It would be a different case but what if it was a gospel with a maximum ringing volume? Well,  judge for yourself but here is what your ringtone says about you :

1. Loud secular song with dirty lyrics 
In most cases,  people will judge you as an ignorant person who has no purpose in life and is so unfocused . Imagine a phone with lyrics on sex, drugs and prostitution,  no lessons but kind of glorifying the acts.  What would you think of the owner of the phone? Most people would judge him in a wrong way even if he's a good person.  Stay away from such ignorance and if you want to listen to such a song, do it when alone or with people who see no offense in them but not putting them as your ringtones.

2. Loud gospel music 
It's not bad to put gospel songs as your ringtone but how sure are you that you'd miss a job interview just because you are a devout Christian? Remember people judge others with the most infinite things. Most people assume that just because you listen to so much gospel music you are so devout,  holy and can't be corrected because you know all. If you want to have such songs as your ringtones, ensure it's not the loudest volume but something favourable. 

3. Heartbreak songs
Whether loud or minimum volume,  most people assume that having a heartbreak song as your ringtone means you are either hurting or missing someone. 

4. Love song 
Whether loud or minimal,  anyone with a love song as his/her ringtone clearly portrays that he/she is in love or is thinking about a person or a moment. If you are single or searching, shun from having such ringtones,  they'll push your potentials away because they'll assume you have someone in picture. 

What do you think of when a person constantly walks away to receive calls that you didn't hear ring? Would you trust such a person for even a second? While most of the people would judge others for loud and corny ringtones, the worst people are the ones with silent ringtones. They will assume your calls to hide a lot of things, avoid showing their real life and even trap you.  Don't trust anyone whose phone is always on silent and if not for a legible reason,  don't put your phone on silent.

Most straight forward,  goal oriented and life focused people have vibrations as their ringtones. You know why? They don't allow anyone to know their personality and mindset through their ringtones. Equally, they have the vibrations to alert them on important calls and not make them miss out on important things . Having vibrations as ringtones makes employees and even lovers transparent.

I hope you learn something from this. 


  1. Awesome work.Thank you for confirming my fears😂 I have always had vibration for my alert🙏@Mimi_Bree254
