Call me a saddist or whatever you want but hey, where did this idea that you must have a spouse come from? Well, I suppose I've misused the word "spouse" but let me leave it that way. Anyway, are there even spouses in campus to begin with? Forgive me if I don't believe in campus relationships but this is pure crap!  So a confused boy meets a confused girl and they all confuse each other more. Well,  it all starts with two strangers trusting each other blindly but wait,  do we forget the kindagarten teachers who taught us that it's bad to trust strangers? Again, sorry if you think I'm bitter about anything but truth be told, campus relationships are a waste of time. Someone will ask "what if I want to waste time? " Well, it's your choice but remember it's not guaranteed that you are going to marry tha stranger you are investing your all into in the long run. You will date, waste time, break up, move on and the cycle continues until you are our of that campus. That's when reality will dawn on you of how much time and resources you've wasted on people who were just temporary. 
Again, let me repeat this,  sorry if you think I'm bitter but hey, where do you get the courage to corn your peasant parents only to get them sleep empty bellied then you take a stranger out to a 5-star hotel for dinner? Before you start pleasing these temporary people,  grow some sense. Since when did you start buying student portals at 9,000/=? As much as you take advantage of your parents ignorance,  remember one day you'll be parents too. 
So there's this other crew of village boys who come to college with harambee money from their village members then forget all that immediately they land in campus. Your parents sold all their cattle and land to educate you then you come to school to be slay kings. Now you start calling yourself Prince and start behaving like whores. Well, I don't just find pleasure in dudes jumping from one lady to another and vice versa.  Call me old fashioned but morality is so precious. One, you are broke and unstable but you still got the guts to impregnate a girl who you've neither taken to your parents or the church. Not to side anyone,  the lady is stupid too but are you really normal? Okay, we all want families in future but where's the harm in serving one master at a time? Get that degree, get a job then settle down. If marriage is your priority then take the girl to the right places before marrying her. I personally witnessed a guy who impregnated his girlfriend then got seven more ladies who he would lie to and get money for clinic. If you can't even afford clinic bills, will you afford baby care? To make it worse he introduced three of the ladies to his family. Guys, what do you smoke? And parents, what do you smoke too? The society at large has failed in being normal. I don't want to touch the drama that followed when the ladies realized they were numerous and had all along been paying for clinic bills to a co-girlfriend and not a "sick mother"
So the worst norm is croping up where people only think of death after a breakup. Let me ask again, stupid Thessalonians, who bewitched you?  Throw whatever you are smoking and drink some water! Put yourself in the shoes of the parents and guardians who have paid your fee all this long. How would you feel if it was your kid doing that? Well, heartbreaks really hurt but is death really the solution? Is killing yourself going to make a partner who cheated uncheat? Probably he/she's going to come to your funeral with the person they cheated with.  Before you think of taking your life, remember it was your choice and so you have to face the consequences. Don't run away from them but instead, face them with the same energy you used to fornicate around and waste time. I hear some youths say they can't stay without s3x and I really wonder. If you can strain in phones the whole night no matter how sleepy you are, why can't you? I mean why can't you apply the same energy in controlling yourself? Before we cause more damage to ourselves and the society at large, let's tell the person who bewitched us that we are sorry for whatever wrong we did her.