I miss yesterday- not yesterday yesterday but the gone days. As much as we are told to let go of the past, sometimes the past is the best place to live. The present society is filled with fake friendships and hypocritical behaviours tsk! What happened to friendships and supporting each other regardless? What happened to bros not fucking they bro's exes? What happened to bitches deleting they bitch's ex? What happened to friends respecting they friends relationships? What happened to unconditional support and love? Eeeewwww, let me not even talk of love , what happened to "best friends" and "perfect cliques"? We are busy destroying our friends instead of building each other. Where did the rain start beating us?

Talk about friends who could be there for each other, cry with them and even solve their relationship issues like it's their own. I miss the men who could say "Bru, stop this. You're hurting her and maybe, you'll lose her for good." Equally, I miss the girls who could go an extent of writing apologies to they girl's boyfriend just to ensure everything goes well. Talk about correcting grammar in long paragraphs and editing texts so that they friends don't sound like a weak ass bitch- where did all this go? The current society is filled with "Besties" who pretend to be happy for you but are silently praying for your break up. Talk about the "I'm happy for yous" and the "you look good together", these phrases come with love but deep down there's jealousy and hatred. Why don't people just live normally? What happened to being genuine and not getting close to something you dislike? What's the essence of being your 'Bestie's girlfriend's friend' when in real sense you are spoiling things? If you are one of these people, allow me call you stupid coz what else are you? You are Bestie because you can't be his girl so how about accepting it? We are too old to be destroying lovers. What if you used that time to make your own relationship perfect coz most of you look desperate anyway? Men, watch your Besties, most of them are the ones destroying your future and same to ladies on vice versa. The worst friends are the ones that after breaking up friends don't fear showing that they are the cause but act like the real Lucifer they are. Daughter of a side hoe, tf Bitch? Grow up, you're almost dead....

DISCLAIMER:This is a general article and not a subject to address anyone specific but if it addresses you, sucks be to you. Grow up, we are too old and heading towards the grave😏



  1. Why do you have to bring Luci in everything? Lol. However people should have up to 6 friends max. Those other ones are to be coined as acquaintances...
